Careers and
Progression Support
Inspiring our students to become confident, independent and motivated to develop their aspirations and take ownership of their onward progressions.

"I'm Natalie Morgan and I run Careers and Progression at SupaJam. We offer an extensive Work Ready programme to support our students with their next steps after SupaJam. If you have any questions about our programme please email me directly on:
"I am really grateful to have had the opportunity to attend the Creative Industries Festival in Margate. I left clear in my mind that I can progress in the music industry as a neurodiverse musician"
Bradley, Level 3 student, Canterbury
Our services include:
Interview skills development
CV writing
Job searching
Work Experience
Application support for jobs, UCAS and Higher Education, supported internships and apprenticeships.
Advice and Guidance sessions run by the SupaJam Careers Lead and CXK
Additional 1:1 support for learners transitioning beyond SupaJam
Local Labour Market information and jobs of the future
Access to a dedicated ‘support for schools’ representative from the DWP, visiting throughout the year to deliver employability workshops
In house careers days and external careers events

Careers Days
Careers days are the main careers event of the year, providing learners with opportunities to meet employers, talk to colleges and universities, and gain further information on options available to them post- SupaJam.
Learners participate in guest talks, Q&A sessions and panel discussions with industry professionals, and have the opportunity to attend a number of industry related workshops. We always aim to provide a cooked lunch for our students, staff and guests, followed by a gig to finish the day with songs our students have been working on.
Employability Workshops
We host a number of music industry workshops each year across all our bases at to enrich learners understanding of the music industry and it's associated roles.
Some recent workshops across our bases include:
Abi Doyle - Sony Music / Syco on how music artists are selected and streamed through the various departments of a record label.
Emma Reynolds - Stage Manager of the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury workshopping with our students about what's involved in running a busy music festival stage.
Matt Biffa - The Harry Potter Music Supervisor workshopping how music is selected for film and TV from beginning to end.​
Bev Burton - World famous artist booker running dedicated workshops on how to book a band or artist, the legal complexities involved and how to problem solve the inevitable artist tantrums.
Gill Tee - Award winning music festival promoter workshopping the how to start a festival and keep it running consistently.

Alumni students
Once our students have completed their studies with us, we never really say goodbye. We continue to check in and support our alumni students for the first year beyond their course end date, and offer continued support in helping them progress towards their career goals.
We are then available for past students to reach out if they are in need of specific career support, if they are looking for work experience, or if they just want to visit and say hello.
Some of the activities we offer for alumni include
1-1 support sessions that offer guidance on next steps in further education or employment.
Employability support such as CV writing, job searching, further education applications, job applications.
A visit to the students’ new education placement or place of work.
Work experience opportunities at SupaJam’s Swan Studios and The Machine Room.​
Can you help us deliver more opportunities?
We are looking for employers, colleges, universities or people within the creative industry that can offer the following
Work experience placements
Job opportunities
Guest talks
Taster days/tours
Are you interested in supporting our students progress along their career paths?
Then please get in touch!
Please download and complete the Application for Provider Access here and contact our careers lead Natalie Morgan on

More information
All key stakeholders are able to access information on our careers programme via this website.
As well as information about opportunities and interventions we provide access to a published copy of the SupaJam's Work Ready Programme. You can download a copy of this HERE.
Pupils are able to get information about how to access activities that form our careers programme within newsletters, form time updates and notice boards.
All staff are given the opportunity to attend CPD around our careers programme and updates on changes.
The impact of our careers programme is measured through the future skills questionnaire.
SupaJam speaks to each leaver on a personal level where we derive the impact of our careers programme on an individual basis gaining additional insights into what strategies need to be put in place for the following year.

"SupaJam still supports me though I'm a former student, after leaving SupaJam I was struggling to look for employment but SupaJam once again saved my life by taking the time to look for placements that needed the type of personnel that I aspire to be. I am now trying these places out which I'm positive that these will god willingly suffice myself."
Faheem Nasir 2021 SupaJam Alumni