Music Industry
A vital part of SupaJam across our bases is the opportunity to meet professional guest speakers from the music industry.

By inviting these people into our bases it allows all our students to network, gain valuable insights into the working world of the music industry, and enjoy personal anecdotes and performances.
Some recent guests across our bases include:
Abi Doyle - Sony Music / Syco
Franky Perez - Renowned American singer with Slash.
Casey Dale - Radio broadcaster
Lea G - Singer / songwriter
Baby Dave - Indie singer / songwriter
Guy Pratt - Bass guitarist with Pink Floyd.
Hannah White - Award winning Americana recording artist
Gill Tee - Award winning music festival promotor.

“SupaJam provides a unique learning opportunity for young people and Syco Entertainment is thrilled to provide the opportunity for their learners to visit ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ and ‘The X Factor’ to see first hand how music and entertainment television is put together.”
- Abi Doyle - Sony Music

"“SupaJam is an incredibly uplifting and inspiring place. The kids are all great, and clearly being encouraged and motivated to achieve in a way few of them could probably even imagine. It deserves all the support it can get.”
- Guy Pratt - Pink Floyd