Award-Winning Post-16
Specialist Music Education Provider
Colleges in Swanley, Canterbury, Brighton and Wandsworth

SupaJam is a unique group of Post-16 specialist music colleges based in Swanley, Canterbury, Brighton and Wandsworth.
We offer carefully tailored placements to young people aged 16-25 with an EHCP. Many of our students may have previously struggled in mainstream education due to social, emotional or special educational needs but our bespoke campuses, small class sizes and caring, supportive staff allow all our students to achieve and progress in a happy, inclusive environment.
Although many of our students are musicians and singers these are not fixed requirments to join us. All SupaJam students however do need to have a clear passion for music and a real interest in the music industry to secure a place at one of our colleges.
Our offer
At the heart of our offer are the accredited RSL Creative Industries Diplomas at Levels 1, 2 and 3. These module based qualifications include music performance, music production, songwriting, event management, marketing, careers in the music industry and entrepreneurship. We also teach Functional Skills and GCSE English and Maths for those that are still working to achieve them. These syllabuses are complimented by regular trips to experience music festivals, gigs and concerts, musical theatre, and other practical areas of the music industry, as well as numerous internal and external work experience opportunities.
We also provide an extensive life skills syllabus that ensures all our young people are ready to successfully progress into work or higher education when they leave us. Last year over 70% of our leavers progressed to university.
At SupaJam our aim is for all our students to thrive, grow, and rediscover a love of learning in a kind, supportive and caring environment that continues beyond their time at SupaJam and prepares them for a successful progression into the world around them.
“SupaJam has been the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I've made friends, I enjoy learning about everything and I feel I matter.
It's made me want to go to University.”
SupaJam student
SupaJam Partners
SupaJam Newscast

Our mission
Our mission is to help young people aged between 16-25 with social, emotional or special educational needs to engage in education through an inclusive music industry curriculum to promote skills, knowledge, independence and resilience. This supports a positive and meaningful future in work, higher education or a career in music.
8 Reasons to Choose SupaJam

Small Campuses
Our smaller campuses provide more personalised support and flexible learning environments, from quiet work areas to communal spaces and rooms for practical music performance.

SupaJam embraces neurodiversity, encouraging students to bring unique perspectives. We promote diversity in the music industry by helping professionals and organisations welcome creative thinkers.

All About Music
Music is central to SupaJam, bringing together young creatives to collaborate and inspire. We represent all sectors of the music industry and focus on nurturing future talent.
As an approved RSL delivery centre, SupaJam offers innovative, industry-relevant qualifications across the music industry.

As an approved RSL delivery centre, SupaJam offers innovative, industry-relevant qualifications across the music industry.

Student Progression
We encourage students to explore creative career paths, offering support, positivity, and new experiences.

All students benefit from the use of multiple creative industries provisions including a recording studio, radio/podcast studio, rehearsal/jam rooms and Apple Mac suites across all our bases. We are lucky to be supported by leading brands such as Audient, Canon, Marshall, Orange and Yamaha.

Work Experience
SupaJam provides extensive work experience opportunities for students. Internally, we offer recording, radio & podcast studios and a live session platform to build employability skills. Externally, we partner with industry professionals for concerts, theatre, and top music festivals, including The Great Escape, Black Deer, and Glastonbury.

In 2019, SupaJam Swanley earned a ‘GOOD’ grade from Ofsted, with several areas rated as outstanding.
SupaJam Supporters

“SupaJam and music have saved my life. For the first time I want to get out and be with people. I never did anything at school but at SupaJam I matter and that's the best feeling in the world."
SupaJam Student

“The memories I have created here will not be undone because I will not forget one line of this, not one day. I swear I will always remember when I was at SupaJam because SupaJam is a place for hope.”
SupaJam Student